Chances are whether you are buying or selling real estate you are going to use the services of a professional. How do you choose whom to use???
I am always amazed at how many people choose the person they are going to deal with in the largest purchase of their life by playing Russian roulette. Look on the internet, glance at a home magazine, pick a house, take the agent who comes with it!!! Yikes! Would you choose your doctor, lawyer, accountant, or any other professional that way?!?! So… what’s a better way?
First decide on what you want to accomplish. Next talk with people whose opinions you respect. Whether friends, neighbors, relatives, peers, or other professionals find people who have accomplished what you want to do and ask them who they used to help them. AND…ask them if they would recommend that person.
Statistics say that you are most interested in real estate people who demonstrate honesty and knowledge. So look for those two qualities first.
Reputation is everything! Ask around; get the names of some reputable agents. When you have a few names check out their Web-Presence; see how they present themselves; see how much business they are doing. Make a list of questions and interview two or three. Look for commitment to the profession. Look for experience. Look for commitment to education – things are changing so rapidly in this business failure to keep up means falling behind. Look for someone you will feel comfortable with, be able to communicate with, be able to trust. Look for a team player. Some questions to ask:
- How long have you been in the business? *
- Do you belong to a professional organization committed to ethical practice?
- Do you have any “designations” indicating your continued education or your focus on a specialty? If so, what are they and what do they mean to me?
- Do you have past client references? May I call them to verify their satisfaction?
- Are you full time? How many sales do you make in a year?
- Do you own a home? What do you know about the community where I am buying/selling?
What can you tell me about your office and the people with whom you work?-
What can you, your office, and the system within which you work do for me?
The answers to these questions will tell you a lot about the people you interview. *Experience is important, but a hungry, committed, enthusiastic beginner with a track record of success in other areas can be very effective too.
Once you make your choice, be prepared to commit your loyalty to that professional as you expect the same from her or him. If you make your choice intelligently, your agent - with your loyal commitment - will create a team effort to accomplish your goal by providing just the service you need.
By John Doran
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