So Noted!
My daughter writes “thank you” notes. She’s a college
student, twenty two years old, cool, smart, athletic, and…she writes,
“thank you notes”. I think it’s one of the things about
her for which I am most proud. She has excelled in so many areas, yes,
but that wouldn’t really matter if she didn’t have “heart”.
The kid has heart.
Of course she didn’t really have a choice. Both her mother and
I were raised by parents who made sure those notes went out after birthdays
and Christmas. How embarrassing for a teenage boy to have to write a “bread
and butter” note after sleeping over or having dinner at a friend’s.
The embarrassing part was the friend’s mother making a big deal
about it next time I visited. Boy did I take some grief. But I still had
to write my notes!
The other day I did a strategic planning session for a local bank. I
used several books in the process and at the end of the event I gave a
copy of one to the CEO. Within two days, there was a thank you note in
my mailbox. I was impressed, but not surprised. One thing that I have
noticed, the truly successful people, take time to say, “thank you”.
It’s the mark of a winner.
One of the busiest people I know, building an extremely successful business,
getting her masters, volunteering for every project imaginable, always
stops to say thank you – to her staff, her clients, her partners,
her friends. Like clockwork, two days after we’ve had lunch, there’s
a “thank you” note in my mailbox. Even if she bought lunch,
she’ll thank me for my time. Amazing!
I got a call from “globe-trotting” success guru and educator
Bob Proctor last year. I sent him a book and an article. He called me
from high over the Pacific on his way to Indonesia to say, “thanks”.
Will he forever be my hero?!?!
You remember those people; you save the notes; you look forward to the
next time. It’s so easy to dismiss the practice as the trappings
of a bygone era. But tell me, when was the last time you got a hand written
thank you note? Is it still on your desk?
I used to tell my daughter, “I find the more I say ‘thank
you’, the more opportunities I get to say ‘thank you’.
See for yourself.
Oh, by the way, “Thank you for your time”.
John Doran
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